Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Caroline Elizabeth Levandowski

Today was the day, after 18 weeks of carrying around a new fruit every week, from blueberry to mango to cantalope, we can now give thanks for our baby girl. The appointment today could only be described as breathtaking. The doctor that did the sonogram was fantastic, she went over all of the baby's measurements and anatomy and everything was right on track. The heart looked perfect, the spinal cord in line, the little kidneys were functioning and no cleft palate to be seen. Of course, our daughter is a lady, so it took a while to coerce her to spread her legs so that we could get the money shot :) It is amazing, I was so sure it was a boy, so much for mother's intuition. My mom was with us and there were a lot of tears and hugs. It was a truly magical moment of course was followed with the only natural thing... shopping. 5 more months left....


Dana said...

Yeah! I am so glad everything went well. I was going to call you tonight and then I saw your blog. Try not to buy out all the pink stuff:) Congratulations to you both.

Beth said...

I like to think that her middle name is after me! Love you THREE!!!!

Jaedeanne and Baby Ruby Catherine said...

I think that she's beautiful!!! I told Ruby all about her and she's very excited to meet her new friend in a few months. Love y'all bunches!